My monitor looks like tic tac toe board
My monitor looks like tic tac toe board

my monitor looks like tic tac toe board

What exactly do you need help with? What parts of your project are you unsure about? I created a few games with python and then recreated them with TKinter for practice but I never thought of doing it on an arduino.īut your post is vague. Can anyone provide me with some help or ideas, please? I'm a newbie in this issue of programming, I've been using the code-shared by others for my projects, and this time I want to finish an independent project by myself. The 'board' 2D array holds the iconic number sign shape of the Tic Tac Toe's board, wihle the for loop updates the board (clearing the entire screen to avoid printing multiple boards).Posted by: have a stone touch display as well as an Arduino and I want to use this touch display to make a simple tic-tac-toe game. Std::cout << "Hi, This is my first C++ game!\nPress the corresponding key to mark a field in the board. Update the board (this is part of a function which reads user input and changes 'board' accordingly.) This is the Tic Tac Toe board (this is declared in main()) I've also read that '\r' can be used to print over a line that has already been used, but I don't know how to apply this to my program. The only solution I´ve found is using system("cls"), but this doesn´t seem like an optimal solution since the program offers initial instructions for the user that I find reduntant to reprint every time a player makes a move (I don't want to clear the entire screen).

my monitor looks like tic tac toe board

I´ve been trying to make Tic Tac Toe in C++ and I can´t seem to figure out how to update the board without printing it all over again in a new line (every time a player makes a move a new board is printed below the previous one).

My monitor looks like tic tac toe board